The Venue

NAPA Autoparts Dragway


Meremere Dragway was opened in Easter 1973 by keen volunteers who saw the need for a permanent Drag Racing facility in the greater Auckland region.

Older drag racing fans will remember racing being held at Ardmore, Kerr's Road, Manurewa and Kopuku in the late 60's and early 70's. These proved to be so popular it was obvious the American sport was here to stay.

Today, Drag Racing at New Zealand's premier dragstrip, Meremere Dragway, is run under the governance of IHRA. The Pukekohe Hot Rod Club were instrumental in getting the Drag Strip built and are currently in charge of all the everyday maintenance, improvements as well as the running of all drag racing events at the facility. The Pukekohe Hot Rod is also the only Hot Rod Club globally who can lay claim to owning their very own drag strip.

We would like to boast that we have grown up with New Zealand’s drag racing community and after forty years in the business, we feel we have.  From the days when we marvelled at 14 second cars to 12seconds cars to 10 second beasts and into the single digit times. Nowadays, some racers are completing the 1/4 mile in under 6 seconds.  That’s over 200mph in approximately 400 metres. Pretty awesome and quite a history really!  If you haven’t been to the track recently to see and feel the roar and rumble of what makes this sport and our venue special, then book in some time this summer to visit and take in the sights, sounds, smell and atmosphere.

Meremere Dragway – formerly Champion Dragway – celebrates its 40th year of operation in Easter 2013 and has been such a popular destination that the road off the main State Highway 1 trunk into the facility has been aptly renamed Drag Way (although the road sign says Dragway Road – we’ll take both).  

As part of the 40th year celebrations, the track is introducing in conjunction with IHRA, a new class of racing – the Teen Racing Championships – for 13-17year olds, to run for the first time on NZ soil in the 2012/2013 season.  This is reminiscent of the introduction of the Junior Dragster class in 1988 when Murray Smith built the world’s first ever Junior Dragster which is still around and currently owned by Frank Bogaart. 

The venue also plays host to other great motoring ventures such as the Meremere Dirt Track run by the Meremere Dirt Track Club, the Auckland Vintage Speedway run by the Auckland Vintage Speedway Club and the Auckland Jet Sprint Track run by the Auckland Jet Sprint Club. If any of these activities tickle your fancy you can find out more about each of the tracks and this summer’s coming events as follows:

Meremere Dirt Track Club –

Auckland Vintage Speedway –

Auckland Jet Sprint Club –  Contact Campbell Jones 027 704 8315 or email (website under construction)

RE: 2014 Nitro Shootout Event.
Please convey this message to the board and all your workers if you will:
I don’t know what you guys did so right, maybe it was the extensive advertising (I read and heard about it for what seemed like months), but whatever it was, it sure as hell worked – Saturday’s meeting was nothing short of
Fantastic crowd, fantastic track, fantastically run meeting (although there is nothing new about that), don’t mind Saturday either- stayed up drinking until 2am, cool!
Well done to the lot of you!

Ian Hilder

27 A/DB

Our Location


Situated half way between Auckland and Hamilton on State Highway 1, Meremere is an ideal place for race fans and families alike to be part of the non-stop action of premier Drag Racing.

Camping is available to Racers and Crew free of charge with a few powered sites for those lucky enough to be able to tow the race car as well as the caravan to the track. Everything you need for a great day out is provided: Free parking & programme, great food and top class fast action.  And if camping just doesn’t the mustard with you and yours, then see our Accommodation page for other options.

How To Get Here


During my tenure as President and Vice President of the American Muscle Car Club I have had the good fortune to find myself working with Mr Gary Bogart and the team from Fram Autolite Dragway.

This dedicated group have helped to guide me in the successful running of the 2010 and 2011 Fathers Day Drags as well as our own club drags each year, their "can do" approach is refreshing and instils confidence that is well deserved!

I would not hesitate in recommending this team to anyone considering hiring the track, from a full event to a cooperate function or even a small work celebration, you will be in capable hands!"

Keith Fleming

President - American Muscle Car Club

The Bay Rodders Committee would like to say a HUGE thanks to you and the Fram team for the wonderful support that you give Bay Rodders for the Nostalgia Drags. You guys are amazing and so skilled at what you do.

Already the feedback from the public, entrants, and some our sponsor’s for the Nostalgia Drags 2012 has been amazing. The few media releases already out have had raving reviews and we are looking forward to seeing the fantastic reviews in the various Hot Rodding Magazines over the next month or so.

For Bay Rodders, we feel each year Nostalgia Drags just keeps getting bigger and better and it is only with the Fram team and support of others that Bay Rodders can do this.

So please pass this email on to all who help us over the weekend and please let them know how much we appreciate the support and what a great bunch of people they are.

Many thanks from the Bay Rodders team.

Lynne Paton

Secretary - Bay Rodders Inc 

To Gary and Team,
I was at your meeting 15th and 16th March 2013 while I was in NZ …. It was excellent mate. Great quality cars & action.
Your track team run a tight ship !!!!
We caught some of Friday afternoon practice & all day Saturday qualifying / early eliminations.
We flew home Sunday night so couldn’t get to the track that day, but it looked like it was going to be bad weather ???
Christoper Orthodoxou
Race a SuperPro Viper GTS in England…7.80’s at 172-ish
Normally aspirated 604” Barton/KB Hemi (same as Wayne Grimmers’ black Barracuda) & 2 speed ‘Glide.

Christoper Orthodoxou

Race a SuperPro Viper GTS in England…7.80’s at 172-ish

To Fram Autolite Dragway Meremere, Management and Team.
RE: 2014 Nitro Shootout Event
Congratulations I last raced here almost 8 year's ago. What a well oiled operation you have, the chute packers were great. In the last 6 to 12 months the upgrades to the facility has been huge. The efficiency by your team was great,the crowd got a great show and The Marshes, The Fishes and Willy White put on a Great Show. Keep Up The Great Work, your investment and team commitment cannot be faulted.
A Sore Flying KIWI not match fit,

Athol Williams

Stud Welding NZ Ltd

Re: 2014 Nitro Shootout Event.
Great effort and a huge success for the FRAM team. WELL DONE to you all. Been a spectator for 30 years and this event was an awesome one, right up there with the best. I'm sure the sponsorship and advertising helped. Congratulations to the Marsh Motorsport Team and FFR team. You turned it on for us all. Congratulations also to Wayne Yearbury's outstanding run. My favourite driver. He would be dominant in a Top Fueller I'm sure. Last words, wow, Mike Gearing back in the Pits knuckling down on the nitro donk, shit hot, NZ Drag Racing legend.
Thanks again to all and what a crowd.

Murray Colquhoun

RE: 2014 Nitro Shootout Event.
We had the best day yesterday!! Although we didn't get there until 2pm (had to work til then) we caught everything. It's been 15 years and I forgot how much I missed it. Love the smell!! Thank you again, and we will be back for sure. My husband and son were stoked. First time our 15 and 12yr old sons has seen rails. Thank you again!!

Heather Longmuir

RE: 2014 Nitro Shootout Event.
Wow! what a big day Saturday was for NZ drag racing. Can't really say much that has not already been said, but must say congrats and thanks firstly to the team at Fram for putting on such a fantastic event. We haven't seen a crowd like that in quite a while, and with many people experiencing NZ drag racing for the first time, they got a great show! There were many top performances and PB's out there on Sat but the two most notable for us were Anthony Marsh in Top Fuel and Wayne Yearbury in Top DoorSlammer, who both raised the bar for their respective classes with their stellar performance.

DB Racecars

DB Racecars

RE: 2014 Nitro Shootout Event.
Please convey this message to the board and all your workers if you will:
I don’t know what you guys did so right, maybe it was the extensive advertising (I read and heard about it for what seemed like months), but whatever it was, it sure as hell worked – Saturday’s meeting was nothing short of
Fantastic crowd, fantastic track, fantastically run meeting (although there is nothing new about that), don’t mind Saturday either- stayed up drinking until 2am, cool!
Well done to the lot of you!

Ian Hilder

27 A/DB